Saturday 10 September 2011

Rustle Status Update

Hello everybody! Today I am going to give you a status update on Rustle. Rustle hasn't been seen recently but Moe has been out and about!  Moe works at Rustle The Crow Inc. as a business man. He always has his feathers slicked back with gel. In his briefcase, Moe has his lunch, a notepad and pen and he has his permanent records. If you would like to know more about Rustle and the crew please contact our office building during work hours. Thank you supporters!

- Rustle And Staff

Monday 5 September 2011


   Welcome to Rustle The Crow Inc. - A Place To Spread The Word! It all started when my step mum named a crow in our backyard. I started to make songs about Rustle and draw pictures of him and it all came into a business! I made the font a dark green because that is Rustle's favourite colour! Rustle is 23 in crow years and he has rustled feathers. Rustle has lots of family members too! There's Pat, Matt, Moe and even the sister who looks like a mister! Thank you for supporting this business and thank you for making it run smoothly.
- Rustle And Staff